10 October - 3 Min reading.
Terms and Conditions
Somewhat boring but interesting.
Terms and Conditions
1 Identification
Owner: Almaglobal S.L.U. (hereinafter "AlmaGlobal" or "dokify", as appropriate)
Registered office: Calle Aguacate 56 3ยบE, 28054 Madrid.
VAT NO: B86311693
Public Register: Registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, Volume: 29387, Book: 0, Folio: 99, Section: 8, Page: M 528963 Registration or notation: 1 / Date 25/11/2011
Telephone and Fax: 918 38 80 49
E-mail: legal@dokify.es
2 Object
This agreement establishes the contracting conditions applicable to all users registered on the document management platform called dokify via the Internet, in relation to the different contracting plans available (contracting modalities accessible from the following link).
The present conditions shall not apply directly to users registered through the modalities governed by specific conditions expressly established in the service provision contract signed between the parties, without prejudice to the fact that the present conditions may be applied in a subsidiary manner.
Given that dokify is made available to the user in the form of software as a service (SaaS), a series of associated services are expressly included together with the platform service, considered indispensable for its correct operation, which shall in any case be those expressly included in this contract.
All types of parameterisation, customisation and/or integration services with third-party tools are expressly excluded from the object of this contract and shall be subject, where appropriate, to the specific conditions agreed between the parties.
Dokify reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions without prior express acceptance by the user, provided that the modification does not substantially affect the essential terms and conditions of this contract. However, in the event that the user does not accept these terms and conditions, the user may automatically unsubscribe without any right to a refund.
3 Modalities and contracting schemes
Dokify offers its users three different ways of contracting the platform, in order to adapt as much as possible to the particular needs of each user.
The existing registration methods are available to users via the following link and are constantly being updated by dokify to adapt them to the specific needs of the market and our customers.
In any case, the conditions and rates that will be applicable to each user will be those in force at the time of the user's registration. In the event that the conditions are modified during the term of the contract with the user, the modification will not affect the relationship with the user, and will only be applicable in the event that the user renews the contract once it has expired.
4 Prior information applicable to e-procurement
In accordance with the provisions of article 23 et seq. of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, contracts entered into electronically shall produce all the effects provided for by the legal system, provided that the consent of both parties is given and can be accredited.
For these purposes, it shall be understood that the completion of all the phases of the registration process and, if applicable, the payment of the corresponding economic amount, necessarily imply the provision of the consent required for contracting.
Likewise, and in accordance with the provisions of article 27 of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, all the information relating to the contracting procedure is made available to users prior to the start of the contracting procedure:
Procedure for registration and validation on the platform
The registration procedure on the platform requires the user to access the following link (subject to specific contracting conditions and, where applicable, negotiation between the parties), where they must select the plan that best suits their needs, taking into account the functionalities included and the economic conditions of each of them. Likewise, in certain cases, the plans may be subject to specific contracting conditions, which will be indicated by dokify.
Once the desired plan has been selected, the system will request the identification of the company (company name of the organisation and the contact email address of the user responsible for registering as a company), as well as the reasons why the user wishes to register on the platform, and must also accept these conditions, as well as the corresponding privacy policy. Under no circumstances will it be possible to request registration as a user if the aforementioned conditions have not been expressly accepted beforehand.
For security and confidentiality reasons and to ensure that the members of the enterprise network have been previously validated by a member of the network, the validation process of the new user must be required by a previously validated organisation and previous user of the platform (main contractor). The correct procedure is as follows:
1 - The entity that is already validated on the platform must send an invitation to the new user, so that the registration process can be completed.
2 - Once the invitation has been sent, the platform will automatically send an email with a link to complete the registration process.
3 - Once the additional required data has been completed, the user will be able to start using the platform, with the functionalities specifically included in the selected plan.
4 - Once the main contractor has sent the details of the companies subcontracted by them and which must use the dokify service to exchange the documentation relating to their employees with the main company or contractor, in compliance with the applicable regulations in force, all these companies will receive an email from the dokify platform together with their user name and password for access.
Using this user name and password, subcontracted companies may access dokify to complete their company profile, indicating their company details, number of workers and other elements required by current legislation. Once completed, these may only be viewed by the company itself, and it may not attach documentation accrediting compliance with its obligations, and in no case may it share with the main contractor or the rest of the subcontractors the documentation required by law, until it has completed registration on the platform and accepted these conditions, as well as the corresponding privacy policy. Under no circumstances will it be possible to request registration as a user if these conditions have not been previously accepted.
Registration and recruitment procedure
Once the user has accessed the dokify platform with their username and password and has completed their company file and the elements associated with it, in order to be able to attach the official documentation accrediting compliance with the applicable regulations in force, as well as to start sharing this documentation with the contractor and other legally corresponding subcontractors, it is necessary to accept these conditions of use and registration, as well as the corresponding privacy policy, and to make the payment of the amount corresponding to the contracted service (contracting modalities accessible from the following link).
The total economic amount for contracting the service will vary depending on the plan contracted, as well as in relation to a series of factors, such as the number of employees, the type of companies or the type of preventive modality, among others, so that the prices will vary from one user to another, without prejudice to the fact that they may coincide.
The contracting procedure for contracting modalities not subject to special conditions is quick, simple and completely electronic, and is carried out centrally from the private area of the dokify platform.
In this way, once the user has accessed the platform with their username and password, they only have to click on the button located in the top bar, on the right, where it says "Paypal: Contract the Package".
Automatically, the system will display a screen describing the type of contracting together with the following data:
Price before tax
Total price
Once the data has been filled in, the user must access the contracting conditions, in order to analyse them, proceeding to accept them by ticking the corresponding box. Under no circumstances will it be possible to continue with the contracting process if the aforementioned box has not been ticked with the acceptance of the contracting conditions.
After acceptance, the user must press the "Continue Payment" button which will automatically redirect the user to the secure payment gateway provided, in any case by a trusted financial institution that guarantees secure payment.
In any case, this payment gateway will be under the SSL protocol (Https://) and will be hosted on the servers of a third party, so we will never have access to your card details. Once the payment has been made through the electronic means indicated, the system will automatically and within a maximum period of 24 hours send the user an e-mail containing all the information relating to their purchase. This document is the confirmation that the contract has been successfully completed, serving as accreditation for any type of claim.
If you do not receive this e-mail, please check your "junk mail" or "anti-spam" account, as it may have been detected as spam by your e-mail server. If you do not find it in this section, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can solve the problem.
Similarly, once payment has been made, the dokify platform will automatically allow the company to start attaching documentation and sharing it with the contractor and the other companies that are legally entitled to do so.
Users are informed that the electronic document accepted by the user will be duly filed, associated with their IP address and the exact time of contracting. Likewise, users are informed that they may modify their contracting data at any time from their private user area.
Finally, this contract shall be concluded, unless otherwise stated, in Spanish.
5 Basic dokify services
Each and every one of the services that dokify makes available to the user through the dokify platform, as well as the characteristics and scope of each of them, are set out below.
All the services described below are considered essential to ensure the proper functioning of the platform.
Similarly, there are a series of additional services available to users, which can be contracted independently according to the needs of each user. These services are expressly excluded from the main price of the dokify service.
For the correct functioning of the dokify web application, it is necessary to use an up-to-date web browser. In principle, any commercial browser is valid, but we recommend the use of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for optimal functioning of the application. The following minimum hardware requirements should be met: Pentium III 500 MHz processor or higher (Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or higher or any AMD64 / Intel EM64T processor is recommended), 512 MB physical RAM (2 GB or more is recommended), 800x600 screen resolution (1024x768 or higher is recommended). A broadband internet connection is also required.
Activation of the platform
Given that the platform is made available to the user in service mode, after online registration and payment of the corresponding economic amount, if applicable, dokify will proceed to activate the platform, assigning the roles and the appropriate means of identification (user and password) directly by the user in order to be able to use it in a completely personal and secure manner.
Within the platform activation phase, the following actions are included:
User Registration: the user account will be registered and created in the name of the company within the platform.
Registration of users and assignment of roles: only those users who have been expressly indicated by the user will be registered as authorised users.
These actions will be carried out directly by the user or, where appropriate, automatically by the platform itself.
Issuing access users and passwords
All users dependent on the main user will receive, once they have been registered, their user name and password, essential elements for accessing the platform. This measure, together with the rest of the technological measures of the platform itself and the entity that manages it, guarantees the security and integrity of all access to the service and the information associated with it.
In any case, the issuance of access data shall be carried out by dokify, being issued for each authorised user of the platform and having the character of personal and non-transferable data, given that they shall be the access key to the platform.
In any case, each user must take responsibility and act diligently with regard to its use and conservation. Under no circumstances may the private key be made known to anyone, and it is only and exclusively known by the certificate holder. In any case, the access password provided may be modified by the user in question, being the only one who knows the access data.
Hosting of the platform and information
In order to guarantee greater quality, availability and level of service, the platform is physically hosted on servers owned by Google Cloud Platform located in the European Union, with whom AlmaGlobal has the corresponding hosting service provision agreement, subject in all cases to the instructions established contractually by AlmaGlobal, subjecting the information to the maximum levels of security, integrity and confidentiality ordered by current legislation.
The hosting service is limited to 256 Mb per user account, although this capacity can be increased by means of the additional service dokifyBox.
Backup service
The information hosted on the Platform, including databases, are subject to at least a daily backup process allowing the recovery of the information that would have been hosted on the platform up to the time of the backup.
Thus, by means of this Addendum, Almaglobal guarantees the user that it will make available to the user, once a year, at no additional cost, a copy of all the information hosted by the user on the Platform. However, the user may request as many backup copies as he/she deems appropriate upon payment of the corresponding economic amount.
Maintenance service
Contracting the platform in service mode guarantees the user that he/she will not have to carry out any type of maintenance task on the platform, focusing solely on the management of his/her documents, given that all maintenance and services of a technical nature will be carried out exclusively by dokify in a centralised manner.
The maintenance tasks shall apply both to the infrastructure on which the service is provided (servers, connectivity, etc.) and to the software itself that constitutes the platform, including improvements and new functionalities solely determined by dokify, without including within this scope the customisations or improvements expressly requested by the users.
In any case, maintenance tasks that may cause access problems for the user will preferably be carried out in the early hours of the morning, and will be scheduled at least 15 days in advance, except in cases of force majeure, in which case they will be carried out as soon as possible.
Unless otherwise specified, maintenance services do not include, inter alia, the registration of new users, the registration of new collaborating companies and new machinery or workers.
Publication of new versions
Dokify is committed to making updates and improvements to the platform, releasing new versions on a regular basis.
These versions will include additional functionalities that dokify considers important for users.
However, users shall not be entitled at any time to claim the release of such versions, and dokify shall be solely responsible for determining the exact timing and extent of such releases.
Making information available
In the event of termination of the contract or termination thereof, dokify undertakes to make available to the user, within a maximum period of 30 working days, all information and documentation hosted during the period of use of the platform.
The documentation shall in any case be made available in an interoperable and widely used format (CSV, XML, etc.) and can subsequently be imported by the user into other platforms.
Dokify is not responsible for the fact that the system used by the user does not comply with international interoperability standards, and does not intervene in subsequent implementation and integration work that may be necessary for the correct functioning of the information on other platforms.
This service will only be available in the contracting modalities indicated and which are accessible from the following link).
Customer service and technical support
Dokify provides the user with a user support and technical assistance service in accordance with the following features:
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08h to 16h throughout the year. Means: via the user service telephone number published on the platform's website and via email soporte@dokify.net.
AlmaGlobal S.L.U. professionals, with accredited experience in the document management sector and completely familiar with the tool, will be responsible for dealing with all queries, doubts and incidents that users may raise, accompanying them at all times during the process until the doubt, query or incident is resolved.
The user service shall be provided exclusively in Spanish and English, without prejudice to the possibility that dokify may make other languages available to users.
Complementary or additional dokify services
Additional services include all those that are considered complementary or non-essential for the correct operation of the service provided by dokify. All additional services, whether or not included in this section, must be contracted independently by the user, and it shall be necessary to pay the amount established by dokify at any given time.
Dokify reserves the right that the complementary or additional services made available to the user for contracting may be directly provided and contracted by third parties other than dokify.
In the event that the additional services are no longer provided by dokify, but are provided and invoiced by a third party, dokify undertakes to give at least 30 days' notice to the user.
However, in the event that the user requires additional services not included in this contract, the user may request dokify to provide them, either directly or through third parties.
User obligations
The user, by signing this contract, undertakes to the following aspects:
- Not to use the platform or any of its components to develop timesharing operations, to become a provider of software application services insofar as they are aimed at enabling third parties to access the platform or any of its components, through rental operations, administrative services or any other similar services, by sharing them or making them available to third parties.
- Not to subject the platform or any of its elements to activities that lead, directly or indirectly, to the decompilation of its software, that imply its subjection to operations of an inverse nature to those that determined its construction or that, ultimately, constitute or may constitute operations of backward or inverse engineering, decompilation or disassembly. Nothing in this contract shall be understood as authorising access to the platform's source code.
- Not to publish the platform, nor to use it as a system for the management and exchange of illegal information and/or documentation, contrary to morality or public order, contrary to copyright and/or industrial property rights.
- Do not subject the platform to workloads that are clearly aimed at destabilising it, including denial of service attacks (DDoS) or similar situations. In the event that this type of situation is detected, the service level indicated above shall not apply, and shall be considered an emergency situation.
- Not to carry out acts of reverse engineering, taking of requirements and other activities aimed at developing an online platform identical or similar to the one made available by dokify, and this activity may be considered an act of unfair competition and infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights that dokify holds over the platform.
- Not to translate, adapt, improve, transform, transform, correct the platform, or any of the elements that integrate them or in any other way modify it, and may not incorporate the platform into other software or platforms of its own or provided by third parties.
- Not to remove, delete, alter, manipulate or in any way modify any notes, legends, indications or symbols that dokify, as the legitimate holder of the rights, incorporates into its intellectual or industrial property properties (such as copyright, ยฉ, ยฎ and TM, etc.) either on the platform itself or on the associated material.
- Pay the financial amounts expressly indicated in this contract in due time and form.
- Bring to dokify's attention any event or situation that may have occurred that could jeopardise the security of access by authorised users.
6 Basic dokify services
At dokify we are deeply committed to the protection of intellectual property rights. That is why we have established the following terms and policies:
Related to the online platform
AlmaGlobal S.L.U. guarantees the User that it is the legitimate owner of the platform and that it is not involved in any type of legal dispute prior to the signing of this contract.
The user expressly acknowledges that dokify holds all right, title and interest in and to the platform which is the subject of this agreement, as well as all modules, modifications and updates thereto and any element and/or functionality developed thereon, regardless of whether or not this has been requested by the user.
For these purposes, this includes, without limitation, the acknowledgement of dokify's ownership of all copyright, intellectual and/or industrial property rights, being able to exploit the platform, without any restriction of a temporal or territorial nature, in relation to means of dissemination or methods of exploitation and without any limitations other than those established by law.
The structure, characteristics, codes, working methods, information and information exchange systems, development tools, know-how, methodologies, processes, technologies or algorithms that constitute and/or may constitute the platform are the exclusive property of dokify, and are duly protected by national and international intellectual and/or industrial property laws, and may not be subject to subsequent modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the user, without the prior express consent of dokify.
Likewise, all user manuals, texts, graphic drawings, databases, which complement the platform and/or the materials associated with it, are the property of dokify, and may not be further modified, copied, altered, reproduced, adapted or translated by the user.
The provision of the platform in service mode or the mere access by the user does not imply, in any case, the transfer of its ownership, nor the granting of a right of use in favour of the user other than that expressed in these terms and conditions. In order for the user to be able to use the platform, which is the exclusive property of dokify, dokify hereby grants a licence of use in favour of the user of a nature:
- Non-exclusive
- Limited in time to the duration of the present contract
- Unlimited spatial scope insofar as it can be accessed from any Internet-enabled computer
- Non-transferable
- Revocable
- Non-sublicensable
In any case, any type of reproduction, imitation, transmission, translation, modification, elaboration of derivative works and/or public communication is strictly prohibited, regardless of the means used for this purpose, and the infringing user shall assume all direct or derived responsibilities that may arise.
Likewise, dokify is expressly authorised by the user to use the logos, trademarks and trade names of his company and may use them on the dokify website as well as in advertising and/or promotional material for the service, regardless of the format in which they are contained. For any aspect that is not expressly acknowledged in this contract, all rights shall be deemed reserved in favour of dokify, and written authorisation from dokify shall be required in order to do so.
Related to user content
All content and information published by users on dokify is the exclusive property of dokify, and dokify is merely an information society service provider responsible for data storage.
Dokify does not receive any type of intellectual property rights for the fact that the user hosts them on its platform, so that under no circumstances may it process them for purposes other than those directly related to the provision of the document management service that is the object of this contract.
Notification of infringements
The user may communicate any violation of rights to the e-mail address soporte@dokify.net. To do so, the user must include the following in the message or notification:
- Identification of the content that allegedly infringes intellectual property rights.
- Identification of the claimant, either as the right holder or affected or, where appropriate, as his or her legitimate representative with sufficient powers of attorney.
- Clearly identify the valid forms of contact so that we can contact the complainant.
- Provide proof of identity by means of a sufficient official document (ID card or passport).
- Provide an affidavit stating the truthfulness of the information included in the claim, as well as proof of being the legitimate holder of the rights or, if applicable, having representation rights.
7 Non-competition conditions
The user expressly undertakes not to carry out, either directly or on behalf of a third party, the development and/or improvement of a document management platform that includes functionalities and/or technologies that were expressly provided and/or contained in the platform that is the object of this contract, any act to the contrary being considered an act of unfair competition contrary to current legislation, and in such a case fully assuming the possible responsibilities derived from such acts.
Likewise, the user undertakes that once this contractual relationship has ended, he/she will comply with the non-competition commitment that will be extended for the following two years from the end of this contract, not being able to market and/or promote technological solutions that may directly or indirectly compete with the platform that is the object of this contract, it being considered that otherwise, in addition to contravening this obligation, it entails a serious breach of the principles of good faith that should govern any contractual relationship.
For these purposes, this obligation shall be deemed to be breached in the event that the platform developed allows the exchange of documentation and/or information between companies.
8 Temporary conditions
The contracted service will have a duration of 12 months from the moment of registration, and the service will be automatically renewed for equal periods, provided that the user has not expressed his/her wish not to do so at least 15 days prior to the date of termination.
In any case, the platform will automatically notify 30 days before the expiry date of the need to renew the service, for which in any case it will be necessary to make the corresponding payment through the payment gateway made available to the user.
9 Economic conditions
In consideration for the services of access to and use of the platform, the user undertakes to pay dokify the amount indicated during the payment process.
The economic amount shown will be different in each case, given that it is calculated according to a series of parameters and variables such as the type of company, the number of employees, machines, prevention system, and other elements associated with the user account. The platform, in a completely automatic way, will calculate the final price of the platform and will show it on the screen. The economic amount shown by the platform is a final amount, for the hiring of the dokify service during the period of 365 days.
The payment of the economic amount indicated must be made in all cases by means of a single payment, through the secure payment gateway, provided in all cases by a bank that guarantees the security and confidentiality of all financial information processed. The payment process is in any case carried out outside the servers of dokify, being a completely direct bilateral relationship between the user and the bank responsible for the payment platform, so that under no circumstances will dokify have access to dokify's bank details.
During the online contracting process, the platform will show, before and during the payment process, the services contracted, indicating a breakdown of the price thereof, together with Value Added Tax. Once the economic amounts have been paid through the payment gateway, dokify will automatically issue an e-mail to the user's address within a maximum period of 24 hours with a summary of the contracting process, including the corresponding invoice in electronic format.
In the event that the user has contracted "Additional Services" in accordance with these terms and conditions, these shall be invoiced separately from the dokify platform. All contracted services shall be reviewed on a quarterly basis, and any additional amounts shall be invoiced immediately. In this regard, both parties agree that in the event that the user has indicated certain business features, and subsequently contracts additional elements, these shall be automatically unified in order to issue a single invoice and payment for the services provided.
All the economic amounts derived from the present contract will be duly updated in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in force at the time of the renewal of the contract, without prejudice to the fact that this may vary without coinciding with the calendar year. Likewise, this update will only be carried out in the event that it is positive and under no circumstances when it involves a reduction in the amount initially agreed between the parties.
10 Right of withdrawal from the contract
In accordance with the provisions of article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, and the provisions of Law 7/1996, of Retail Trade, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in those cases in which the product or service provided is personalised according to the needs of the user.
We at dokify understand that the on-demand request for the dokify document management and exchange service, insofar as it is the user himself who requests the user number, the type of service and whose consumption is immediate from the very moment in which the payment thereof is made, it is not possible to exercise the right of withdrawal expressly provided for in the regulations in force, given that the service is perfectly personalised. Similarly, services considered additional services available to users are expressly excluded from this right for the same reason.
In the event that a user decides to cancel their account prior to the end of the contracted term (1 year), if this request is made after 14 calendar days from the time of contracting, dokify will not refund any financial amount. In the event that the cancellation is made during the first 14 calendar days, the financial compensation proportional to the number of days the service has been used will be made, provided that no exchange of any type of documentation with the main contractors has taken place. The corresponding payment will be made in all cases by means of compensation to the user's account or card, depending on the form of payment used.
11 Assignment and subcontracting
The accounts of registered users are completely personal and non-transferable. Thus, the Provider may not assign, subcontract or otherwise dispose of the rights and obligations arising from this contract in favour of a third party without the prior written consent of the other party.
In the event that the user is duly authorised by dokify to carry out the assignment or subcontracting of the account, the user shall in any case be jointly and severally liable to the other party in relation to the rights and obligations arising from this contract which are breached by the new holder.
In the event that, depending on or associated with the user, there is another institution that may require the use of the platform, this must be expressly authorised by dokify, insofar as it has a VAT number and company name different to that of the user, even if it belongs to the same group of companies. In any case, this new organisation must register on the platform as a user and must pay the corresponding financial amounts if it wishes to publish documentation and share it with other companies.
12 Confidentiality, security and data protection
As a developer and provider of software solutions as a service, dokify is aware of the importance of ensuring maximum security and confidentiality of personal data and information published on its platform. For this reason, dokify has taken the following measures with regard to compliance with data protection regulations. Both dokify and the platform rigorously comply with the legally established requirements in relation to the processing of personal data, having the corresponding security measures in place, and undergo an external audit every two years.
In this regard, and to the extent that dokify provides services that may be considered to be the processing of files containing personal data owned by the user, it assumes its responsibility as Data Processor, guaranteeing the latter that the processing of personal data will be carried out in all cases in accordance with the following indications:
- That it will only process such data in accordance with the user's instructions.
- That it will only process said data for the correct provision of the services expressly indicated in this contract and expressly contracted by the user.
- That it shall not communicate them, even for safekeeping, to third parties.
- That upon termination of the provision of services, dokify shall deactivate the platform for the user and make all information and files owned by the user available in electronic format. Unless otherwise stipulated, dokify shall not destroy information once the contractual relationship has ended, without first making it available to the user.
Likewise, we inform you that the use of the platform necessarily involves interaction between the main companies and their subcontractors and subcontractors, with the main company having access to the information and documentation required by current legislation on the employees of the subcontractors and subcontractors in question, for the sole purpose of complying with the requirements of the applicable legislation. Access to the aforementioned information and documentation shall not require the express consent of the owner of the data, insofar as it is carried out in compliance with the legally established obligations.
Dokify reserves the right to modify this clause at any time, being applicable within the period indicated by dokify and in any case notifying the user of said modification in advance.
13 Responsibilities
In accordance with current legislation, we act as mere providers of a technological platform for the management and exchange of documents. We shall not assume any liability, whether direct or indirect, arising from the misuse that users may make of our platform, the website or any of the content published on it.
Our team of professionals will do everything possible to ensure that the content hosted on the platform by all users complies with the regulations in force and in any case complies with these terms and conditions. However, dokify is not responsible for the veracity of the documentation published and exchanged by users of the platform, this being the sole responsibility of each user. Likewise, we are not liable for the lack of clarity, inconsistency or lack of concreteness of the documentation published and exchanged on the platform by users.
Under no circumstances may dokify, by virtue of the provisions of article 16 of Law 34/2002, be held responsible for the content published, and the user who has published the content on the platform shall be solely and exclusively responsible.
In the event that the user's profile has been "cybersquatted" by a third party without the user's authorisation and it is not the user who has published the content, the user must inform us and report it to the Security Forces and Bodies immediately so that AlmaGlobal can proceed to carry out the appropriate investigation. As a precautionary measure, in these cases we will proceed to preventively block the accounts involved.
Under no circumstances will we proceed to carry out a proactive control of each and every one of the contents published on the platform, always complying with current legislation on the responsibilities of Information Society Service Providers.
Dokify is deeply committed to the proper functioning of the service and the systems associated with the platform, as well as to the highest levels of quality, security and availability.
However, as a user you recognise that as this is an online platform, which depends directly on the service of third parties (Internet connection providers, hosting providers,...) it is not possible to achieve full availability of the same over time, however, we inform you that we work daily to ensure that the service is permanently online and with the maximum guarantees of security and availability.
Under no circumstances shall we assume any liability beyond that which we are obliged to by the legislation in force and, where applicable, by the judges and competent authorities in each State in which we act, and in no case more than the economic amount paid by the user for the service of the dokify platform.
14 Termination of the contract
This contract may be terminated in any of the following circumstances:
- Failure to comply with the obligations set out in this contract.
- At the end of its term, provided that one of the parties has expressly stated at least 30 days in advance that it does not wish to automatically renew the contract.
- The declaration of insolvency of the other party, or the initiation of any such proceedings or equivalent before the competent authorities, and repeated failure of the other party to comply with its obligations, whether filed by one of the parties or by a third party.
- In the event that the corresponding financial amounts are not paid according to the agreed deadlines and in the agreed manner. The service will be automatically cancelled on the day following the end of the term of the service. In order to reactivate the service, it will only be necessary to pay the corresponding amount of money.
- The dissolution, liquidation or loss of legal personality of one of the parties.
- Any substantial change or variation of the essential conditions that were indicated in this contract in order to conclude this contract.
Likewise, in order for the contract to be fully terminated, the user must pay all those economic amounts that are still pending, and there is no possibility of full termination without the fulfilment of this obligation considered essential, except for the exceptions provided for in this contract. In the event that the distribution contract is terminated for reasons attributable to the user or third parties unrelated to dokify, the user acknowledges that the sums paid to date shall not be refunded, given that the service has been duly provided.
In the event that the contract is unilaterally terminated by the user, without duly proven and justified cause, the user undertakes to pay, where appropriate, and by way of compensation, the amounts that remain outstanding until the end of the current contract between the parties.
15 Safeguard clause
All clauses or terms of these conditions of use must be interpreted independently and autonomously, and the rest of the stipulations shall not be affected in the event that one of them has been declared null and void by a court ruling or final arbitration decision. The affected clause or clauses shall be replaced by another or others that preserve the effects pursued by the conditions of use.
16 Dispute resolution
For all litigious matters or those concerning our website or any of those that depend on it, Spanish legislation shall be applicable, and the Courts and Tribunals of Leganรฉs, Madrid, Spain shall be competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising from or related to the use of this website, and where appropriate, the Consumer Arbitration Courts or similar to which we are adhered, at the time the controversy arises.
To make a complaint about the use of our services, you can send a letter to the e-mail or physical address indicated above, and we will try to resolve the incident within our available means.
ISO 27001

Information security
ISO 27001
The project "Implementation and Certification of the ISO 27001:2007 Standard in SMEs in the ICT Sector" has been co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011 and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), (TSI-020504-2011-32).