April 28: Working together for a safer and healthier work environment with Dokify

April 28: Working together for a safer and healthier work environment with Dokify

At Dokify, we believe that risk assessment is the fundamental tool for reducing workplace accidents.

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As a company committed to safety and health at work, Dokify joins the celebration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which is celebrated on April 28th. 

This day is an opportunity to make all companies aware of the importance of preventing accidents and occupational diseases, and of adopting effective measures to ensure the safety and health of workers.

According to data from the International Labor Organization (ILO), there are some 2.78 million work-related deaths worldwide each year, in addition to 374 million non-fatal injuries and illnesses. Most of these deaths and injuries could be avoided by identifying and assessing occupational hazards and adopting appropriate preventive measures.

The importance of Risk Assessment in occupational safety and health management

In this sense, at Dokify we work every day to offer innovative and efficient solutions that help companies to improve their work management, and to be more sustainable and responsible. Specifically, our platform allows companies to perform Risk Assessments in a simple and effective way, and establish preventive measures to avoid accidents and occupational diseases.

Risk Assessment is a key tool for reducing occupational accidents, as it allows identifying the hazards associated with each work activity, and assessing the risk level of each one of them. With this information, it is possible to establish appropriate preventive measures to avoid or minimize the risk of accidents or occupational diseases. 

Dokify's occupational health and safety management platform: how it works

At Dokify, we are convinced that Risk Assessment should be the first step in any occupational health and safety management, as it is the foundation on which all other preventive measures are built. 

Our platform has numerous functionalities to ensure comprehensive occupational health and safety management:

Create Risk Assessments: You will be able to prepare your site assessments directly during the field visit. You will ensure that all information is collected and annotated, with the use of a mobile device or tablet.

Reuse other evaluations: Forget about making from scratch each evaluation. Thanks to our tool you will be able to reuse those of other similar centers. Save countless hours of work.

Agile updating: You have an organized repository of the assessments of all your sites. Spending a minimum of time, you will have all your Risk Assessments always up to date.

✅ S ign it digitally: Once created, send it to sign to the managers involved. Importantly, the dokify digital signature is legally valid. You'll always have your back covered and it also completely eliminates the use of paper.

Generate your preventive planning: Once you have created your assessment, download the associated preventive planning directly. Track the activity of your centers.

In short, at Dokify we believe that risk assessment is the fundamental tool to reduce occupational accidents, and that is why we work every day to offer innovative and efficient solutions that help companies to adopt appropriate preventive measures. 

On World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we would like to remind all companies of the importance of working for the safety and health of their workers, and to offer them the necessary tools to do so. Together, we can build a safer and healthier working environment for all.