Pablo del Moral: I like to define dokify as an innovation company.

Pablo del Moral: I like to define dokify as an innovation company.

Our CTO tells us the ins and outs of dokify and how, thanks to technology, we help companies improve their processes.

Gregorio DelgadoGregorio Delgado
Gregorio Delgado

Secret entity

Who is Pablo Del Moral and what is his relationship with Health and Safety?

I have always been interested in the world of web development. I started in the research world collaborating in an international project for the development of a vaccine against tuberculosis. This work was published in several journals and led me as a speaker at the 'Baku World Science Forum'.

I have participated in very interesting projects, for example developing an application to control the risks of the Singapore metro, a very particular metro, as it has no driver.

When I joined dokify, where I am currently responsible for the development team, I had my first professional contact with Health and Safety. I believe that in order to offer a good product it is important to understand the needs of our customers, so I have learnt as much as I could about health and safety, with the help of our customers and my technical colleagues in prevention.

dokify is a technological solution for the Coordination of Business Activities. It currently has more than 24,000 registered companies and more than 243,000 registered employees. It is a large network of companies and workers. Has it never been so easy to manage the CAE?

CAE is a complex process, and it is difficult to see the benefits at first. Our job is to make the bureaucratic part as easy as possible, providing real value with all the information we have, so that our clients can start to see the real benefits of CAE.

dokify is the easiest solution for the Coordination of Business Activities. You talk about creating a collaborative network of companies. Tell us about this collaborative vision of the CAE.

During our years of experience with CAE, we have observed that the problems among all our customers are very similar and we always look for a solution that is common to all, to solve the root of the problem. From that point of view, the main beneficiaries are the contractors, who once they manage their resources (employees, machines) in dokify, it is very easy to do CAE with all our customers in the dokify network.

One of our objectives is to standardise CAE processes as much as possible across all our clients and their contractors; we identify common parts and standardise the required documentation wherever possible. In this way we get the most out of the collaborative network and reduce costs for everyone. Something as simple as using the same nomenclature for different professional activities needs an agent like dokify to help unify it.

When a company considers the use of a CAE management tool, it thinks of long implementation processes, training... Reality or myth?

Our prevention technicians request all the information in a format that is easy to obtain, such as an Excel list of employees. The whole weight of the implementation is carried by our technicians, who continuously advise our clients and adapt to their needs.

The learning curve is very good on our platform. When accessing for the first time, the user is taken on a welcome tour to understand the basic operation of dokify. The tour system is innovative, suggesting tours that correspond to the tasks being performed by the user. We also have a basic guide in different languages to solve the most common doubts. For more specific queries we have a customer service department that offers an immediate response, and can be contacted directly by chat or telephone.

Dokify has modules such as the construction site/project module or the geolocation module for employees or locations. Can you tell us more about these modules? What are their functionalities?

The works/projects module has a number of specific characteristics, as there are very specific needs, partly due to specific legislation in construction.

In this type of works there are different legal figures, promoter, coordinator, contractors, subcontractor, etc. All these figures are identified and have different responsibilities in dokify. For example, the site coordinator is in charge of providing the 'Health and Safety Plan' and when it is uploaded to dokify it is available to all the companies involved.

The developer can see the contracting chains at a glance and thanks to a series of email notifications can monitor how his contractors and subcontractors are fulfilling their obligations.

This module is also adapted to be able to manage any type of project.

Thanks to dokify's access control, it is possible to have real-time information about the employees who are at the different sites of a company. This functionality includes geolocation of the locations on a map. The next step was to be able to apply the geopositioning functionality to any element where it is useful, such as construction sites or projects.

At dokify, 40% of the people working there are dedicated to R&D&I. Do you feed back your tool with proposals from customers/users? What are the latest improvements developed by dokify?

Dokify grows hand in hand with our customers. We are constantly in direct contact with them to meet their needs. The first thing we do is to understand what they need and we look for the best way to solve it, always trying to provide added value.

We never take a functionality for granted, we have an incremental methodology of delivering improvements; for example, in the works module we have implemented more than 10 improvements in the last year.

One of the latest functionalities we have developed is the visitor module. Our clients needed to keep a record of access of people who did not carry out the CAE with their companies. With this module they can control all the people they have in their centres and obtain reports with all the information.

We are currently working on an upgrade to allow visitors to use our QR card, so that the process will be fully automated.

What does technology bring to a company like dokify?

I like to define dokify as an innovation company. Our prevention technicians are up to date with any need related to CAE, which, together with our proximity to our customers, allows us to be very clear about their needs. We apply technology as a principle to solve problems with a focus on the user and on making things as easy as possible. We seek to automate processes to reduce costs for all parties involved. Technology is therefore a means to better meet our objectives.

In the development department we use an agile methodology known as SCRUM. This allows us to pivot every fortnight, addressing in these two-week periods a set of functionalities, which, as we have seen before, can be defined either by our clients or by an internal process. Last year we carried out 528 updates in dokify, which gives an idea of the work done to always be one step ahead.

dokify is a sponsor of the II Edition of the Prevencionar Awards. Do you think that these awards are necessary in the world of business management in general and prevention management in particular? Why would you encourage companies and ORP professionals to participate in the Prevencionar Awards?

Occupational risk prevention and well-being at work are essential in our lives, so we should value them as much as possible. But it is precisely when they work best that they are least visible. It is essential to give visibility to the activity and prestige to its professionals, to enjoy a greater capacity of influence and therefore greater effectiveness; our lives depend on it. That is why dokify supports this excellent initiative, which in addition to offering visibility and prestige, motivates us to improve. From dokify we invite companies and professionals to join these objectives.


We continuously improve our CAE platform to make the coordination of business activities and requirements management faster, more efficient and easier.

dokify is the easiest solution for the coordination of business activities (CAE), we create a collaborative network of companies.

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