Yaquelín Juviño: One of the characteristics that sets us apart is our customer service.

Yaquelín Juviño: One of the characteristics that sets us apart is our customer service.

At dokify you always have the best support team available to solve your questions and those of your contractors.

Gregorio DelgadoGregorio Delgado
Gregorio Delgado

Secret entity

Who is Yaquelín Juviño? What motivates you most in the area of Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare?

I have always been in contact with people in a very direct way, helping them to achieve their objectives or meet their needs is an activity that enriches me. What motivates me most in the area of Health, Safety and Welfare at Work is the search for a balance between what we have to do to be able to work in safety and all the administrative work that goes with it.

Dokify has a technological solution for the Coordination of Business Activities, access control and a tool for the approval of suppliers that also integrates Quality and Environment and time and attendance control. Has the platform evolved with the requirements and needs of customers?

dokify is a platform that is constantly evolving and is always looking to adapt to the needs of each client. This is an aspect that we keep as a priority. Since I started working at Dokify to date there has been an important change and constant evolution that our clients have also been perceiving and in which many of them have even actively participated: continuous improvements in the works/projects module, in the functionalities of access control and daily workday registration, specialisation in product requirements management with quality departments, automation of supplier approval with purchasing departments, management of machine and installation requirements with maintenance departments, are some examples. We have developed standards with our customers for the CAE and for the approval of suppliers, with the aim of reducing costs for the entire dokify collaborative network, providing greater legal certainty and covering legislative gaps.

User experience is becoming increasingly important in the use of applications, tools and IT platforms. How does Dokify consider this aspect?

It is true that if users have experience in using applications, they will have less difficulty adapting to a new platform. However, we know that not everyone has the time or knowledge and there are many different user profiles. At dokify, particularly in support, we continuously monitor the difficulties that users may encounter in order to find the best solutions and improvements to our platform: one of our main priorities is to make it intuitive and as easy as possible to manage for all users. We want dokify to be a helpful and useful tool in their daily work and not a bureaucratic burden. This is why we invest a significant part of our development efforts in usability improvements. The support add-on is a must: we will be there for you immediately if you have any questions.

What makes Dokify different from other CAE management platforms?

I think one of the main features that sets us apart is our customer service department, our support team. Each agent strives to provide friendly, efficient and fast service to our users. We try to help them, to solve their doubts or incidents immediately so that they can access their clients' centres. This is demonstrated by their ratings, with a 97% satisfaction rate in 2018.

In addition, as we have already mentioned, our customers especially appreciate the ease of use and the visual aspect of dokify, our flexibility to configure the platform according to their particular needs, the advice of our implementation and PRL experts in the implementation process and the application of the standard, or the agility and cost reduction provided by our collaborative network together with the standard.

Dokify has created a Collaborative Business Network. What does this Collaborative Network bring to CAE management? More efficiency?

Our collaborative network provides a consensus on customer requirements according to the developed standard. dokify makes it easier for each company to view the documents it requires without the user having to provide the same document over and over again for each customer. We achieve more agility in accreditations, cost reduction and at the same time greater legal certainty.

Dokify's access control system allows the geopositioning of external employees present on the premises. More information for more prevention and protection?

Yes, it is undoubtedly important and timely information for prevention and protection. We provide real-time data on external personnel on the client's premises, which, if necessary, will allow for more organised and effective action.

What is the implementation process of a CAE management tool like Dokify like? How do you accompany the customer in this process?

The dokify implementation process is very easy. The client only has to tell us their casuistry according to their activity and the implementation department gets down to work with constant communication, so that the final configuration is the most in line with their coordination. So that you feel supported at all times, we assign you an expert consultant in implementation and an expert consultant in prevention, a Senior Technician in PRL. We start with the standard proposal and expand it if necessary due to the particularities of the client. Once dokify has been configured, we proactively contact all your contractors to ensure that the project runs smoothly and resolve any queries. We relieve the client of the burden of the implementation, so that they can continue with their day-to-day operations smoothly during the process.

During the II Prevencionar Congress, what will we be able to see from Dokify?

We are sponsoring the Congress, so we will be very visible. We have active participation in these 3 interventions:

After the opening, in all auditoriums simultaneously. Thursday 3 from 10:00 to 10:30. Invited by dokify, Julio de la Iglesia talks about "Courageous Leadership".

Julio de la Iglesia is a Tedax and Coach and promises us that we will leave his presentation "with the certainty that there is a formula and a combat attitude that makes the difference between risk and safety". We can also guarantee that his presentation will leave no one indifferent.

dokify Auditorium. Thursday 3 from 12:30 to 13:30. We will moderate the round table "Making the CAE easier: standardisation and networking", with the participation of the heads of prevention from Alcampo, Makro and IKEA. A table perfectly aligned with the motto of this year's Congress "From theory to practice". You can't miss it either.

Prevycontrol Auditorium. Friday 4 from 11:30 to 12:30. Video presentation. We present a video of the project "Making CAE easier: standardisation and networking".

We look forward to hearing from you at our stand.

Tell us one reason why professionals in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work sector should not miss the 2nd Prevencionar Congress.

We have chosen to sponsor the congress because we see that it is focused on presenting presentations and round table discussions that provide value and knowledge transferred by experts. dokify is present to give our vision and we think that professionals in the sector have an excellent opportunity to get out of the daily routine, oxygenate and seek new ideas for improvement.


We continuously improve our CAE platform to make the coordination of business activities and requirements management faster, more efficient and easier.

dokify is the easiest solution for the coordination of business activities (CAE), we create a collaborative network of companies.

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