Reasons why you need a supplier qualification tool to meet ISO regulations

Reasons why you need a supplier qualification tool to meet ISO regulations

Are you using the right tools? We tell you why an approval tool is essential for your company.

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The automation of processes to reduce time and generate economic savings is increasingly valued by companies. This is provided by digital tools, which facilitate processes by bringing together in a single space everything needed to perform different tasks.

In this case, supplier approval is an essential process in any company and having tools to facilitate this task is within everyone's reach.

ISO standards for supplier certification

The best practices in terms of quality, safety and environmental management are set by ISO standards, and these tools help to comply with these standards.

The UNE 15896 Standard "Value Added Purchasing Management" is the first supranational standard in the field of Purchasing.

This European Purchasing Standard is the result of the efforts of European purchasing associations that have compiled the best business practices to provide purchasing managers with a guide to lead their companies to excellence. Being able to certify the good work of the Purchasing function is synonymous with guaranteeing the company's progress in the long term.

The European Standard provides companies with common criteria to benchmark their level of purchasing management, to define a process of continuous improvement and to compare the different processes applied in companies with a European benchmark.

What does the Procurement Rule say about supplier approval?

References to suppliers and their approval is a recurring theme.

Already in the first chapter, it includes an explicit definition of supplier, referring to contractors, subcontractors, suppliers or equivalents who agree to supply products in exchange for a certain price or consideration.

It further mentions that members of the procurement team should be assessed and recruited on the basis of a range of technical competencies. Possible examples include planning, supplier management, sourcing tools, negotiation and market knowledge.

There is a specific chapter, entitled knowledge of suppliers, which indicates that the company must have a clear knowledge of suppliers. And it also expressly mentions that organizations that adopt the principles of this standard or are certified, will take into account everything related to:

  • Health and Safety (ISO 45000)
  • Environment (ISO 14000)
  • Quality management (ISO 9000), among others,

And when all-inclusive is stated, it logically means everything that these international standards require with respect to supplier approval.

Finally, the group of experts used this standard as a reference when approaching the methodology, so that Dokify' s supplier certification solution is not only a present reality, but also the best travel companion for the future.

Why have a supplier certification tool?

1- Classify your suppliers by category in a single place

Organise them and access their information in an agile way. Check the status of your supplier pool at a glance. Find the right supplier at the right time.

2- Automate the management of your documentation and keep it up to date at all times.

Free yourself from asking for and reviewing certifications and other requirements. Count with an alert system, avoid last minute surprises with some suppliers. Forget about the tedious task of approving your suppliers and keeping them under control.

3- Expand and optimise your supplier base

Become part of Dokify's network of trusted buyers and suppliers and automatically perform continuous improvement of your supplier pool. Without even realizing it, you will have a wide network of approved suppliers available to you.

Feature of the Dokify homologation tool with various characters verifying it.

Get on Dokify and comply with the law!

To automate supplier approval management and meet your needs, we have developed a solution adapted to the present and looking to the future.

Being certified with Dokify ensures that both you as a supplier and buyers comply with quality standards and ISO regulations.

Our platform offers you advanced tools to segment suppliers, perform customized quality questionnaires, manage certification reports and maintain an updated list of certified suppliers. In addition, we provide you with all the advice and support you need to optimize your certification processes and ensure a solid and reliable supply chain.

Don't risk your company's reputation and legality by working with non-approved suppliers. 

Get on Dokify and ensure excellence in your supply chain!

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