Keys to the digitization of preventive management to strengthen occupational risk prevention

Keys to the digitization of preventive management to strengthen occupational risk prevention

Occupational risk prevention is a fundamental pillar of any company and its digitalization is a priority.

Carlos López MartínCarlos López Martín

Digitalization is revolutionizing everyday life to an extent that seemed unthinkable a few years ago. Today, we can carry out any operation through our cell phone. But what happens when we put technology at the service of protecting people?

Ensuring the care of employees must be a priority in occupational prevention policies. Now, more than ever, the so-called fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 makes it possible to strengthen safe workspaces thanks to intelligent systems and digital operational analytics. 

The evaluation, exchange and transmission of data allow processes to be optimized and possible risks to be considered in order to create efficient safety protocols and save lives.

Why is it important to prevent occupational hazards in your company?

Occupational risk prevention is a fundamental pillar of any company. Its importance goes far beyond the legal obligation to comply with it, since it is a key factor that affects practically all its areas: work environment, level of employee well-being, and also productivity and profitability.

These are the main benefits for a company of implementing an optimal risk prevention policy among its employees:

  • Heavy fines and penalties are avoided.
  • Accidents are prevented.
  • The health of employees is taken care of.
  • Absenteeism is reduced. 
  • Increased company profitability and productivity.
  • Companies improve their image internally (among employees) and externally (with customers).

How has digitalization revolutionized occupational risk prevention procedures?

In a recent study on how companies manage their risk assessments we found that more than 50% of respondents still do it manually, which means spending many hours of work, 30% do it through external companies, with the high cost involved and only 20% use a digital tool. 

Growing responsibility for maintaining a safe work environment

It is critical to understand that workplace safety is not simply a legal obligation, but also an ethical and moral priority. Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. This involves identifying, assessing, and controlling occupational hazards present in daily activities, from office environments to construction sites.

Currently, there is an increasing concern for prevention in work environments, seeking to create a positive, productive work culture and creating specific training in Occupational Risk Prevention. In addition, a wide range of measures and practices aimed at minimizing the possibility of work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses continue to be developed.

Identifying hazards is essential

A fundamental part of occupational risk prevention is the identification and assessment of potential risks in the workplace. This involves conducting regular risk assessments to identify hazards, assess the likelihood of them occurring, and determine the preventive measures needed to mitigate them. 

By understanding and addressing these risks proactively, companies can significantly reduce the incidence of workplace accidents and injuries.

In an ever-changing world, it's important to keep in mind that occupational hazards can evolve over time. Factors such as technological advances, changes in work processes, and new regulations can introduce new risks into the work environment. Therefore, it is essential that companies keep their occupational risk prevention programs up to date and adapt their practices as necessary to address these emerging challenges.

ORP software created by and for preventionists

Digitalization has revolutionized many work procedures thanks to the emergence of modern tools that replace paper and speed up tasks. 

In addition to the direct impact on the health and safety of workers, the management of occupational risk prevention through tools to streamline legal processes can also have important economic and social benefits. Worker communication and training can result in a reduction in workplace accidents and injuries, which, in turn, can help minimize costs associated with healthcare, workers' compensation, and lost productivity. 

In addition, the use of this type of tool helps to comply with current regulations to avoid any type of sanction for the lack of documentation or correct actions in terms of prevention.

For this reason, at Dokify, we have developed a new tool for the prevention of occupational risks.

  • Create Risk Assessments: You will be able to prepare the Evaluations of your centers directly in the field visit itself. You will ensure that all the information is collected and noted, with the use of a mobile device or tablet.
  • Reuse other Assessments: Forget about taking each assessment from scratch. Thanks to our tool you can reuse those from other similar centers. Save countless hours of work.
  • Agile updating: Have an organized repository of the evaluations of all your centers. With minimal time, you will always have all your Risk Assessments up to date.
  • Digitally sign: Once created, send it to the responsible parties involved to sign. An important fact, the digital signature of dokify has legal validity. You will always have your back covered and also, completely eliminate the use of paper.
  • Generate your Preventive Planning: Once your Evaluation has been created, download the associated Preventive Planning directly. Track the activity of your centers.

At Dokify, we apply innovation and technology to automate business processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs for everyone, companies and suppliers. 

We are continuously working to increase the ease of use of our solution, with priority attention to data security and confidentiality.

Request more information here.