The importance of product quality in the food industry

The importance of product quality in the food industry

Do you have all documentation related to product quality under control?

Carlos AznarCarlos Aznar

In Spain, the food and beverage industry is the leading manufacturing branch of the industrial sector, according to the latest data from INE's Structural Business Statistics.

Companies attach great importance to audits of food safety and product quality systems.

What is a food safety and product quality audit?

By definition, a food safety systems audit is the systematic, documented, periodic and objective evaluation performed to determine whether the system in place complies with the established provisions, in an effective manner.

In this regard, there are several reference standards, among which ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management, BRC Food Standards - British Retail Consortium and IFS Food - International Featured Standard stand out.

The key to product quality audits

Once these food audits have been passed, the coveted food certification is obtained, which covers the entire supply chain, i.e., from farmers and ranchers to processors.

Within these food audits are a number of very important terms, product quality, product audit, product approval. The product audit, as its name suggests, checks the quality of the product or service, to determine whether it meets the specifications or customer needs.

Normally in an audit, the auditor, accompanied by the person responsible for the quality department, proceeds to inspect the company's production facilities. To do this, he observes and studies all the documentation and records of each of the areas and workstations.

How to pass a product quality audit?

These customers manage a large amount of documentation in an agile and simple way.

At dokify we help companies to control all documentation related to product quality thanks to our powerful requirements management tool that provides a unique automation and digitization of product and supplier documentation.

At dokify we work with large clients in the food industry and their needs frequently include the need to control and keep up to date documentation, records, evidence related to product quality and food safety.

Examples include companies in the food industry that manage product categories (packaging, ingredients and additives or chemicals).

This categorization of suppliers and their products is automated through our approval portal.

These clients manage in a simple and agile way a large amount of associated documentation, such as, for example:

  • Certificate of Conformity / Food Use
  • Safety Data Sheet, Migration Test
  • Kosher certified.

In addition, one of the attractions of great potential is the API of dokify. Through it you can extract reports, create products, create queries etc.

Let's see an example of our API integration

Integration with SAP for a reference client in the canning industry:

This integration allows our customer to perform numerous queries automatically from SAP on dokify. For example:

  • Invite suppliers from SAP to register in dokify
  • Create products or check that all product requirements are being met before placing an order.

This customer uses dokify for business activity coordination (BAC) management and supplier and product requirements management.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you.