QR and geolocation

QR and geolocation

Reduce the risk of accidents and penalties with our automated access control system for employees and machinery.

Jose IgnacioJose Ignacio
Jose Ignacio

Secret entity

One of dokify's main objectives is to optimise the process of accrediting employees and contractors as much as possible. To make this as easy as possible we have launched two new functionalities: QR cards and Geolocation.

The basic idea is that each employee takes the downloaded and printed ID card with him/her to the customer's premises. There, the QR code on the card will be read and with this simple gesture the person in charge of access control will be able to verify whether the employee is accredited or not.

Hand holding Qr Dokify

In addition, dokify will recognise the location of each employee. This way you can see on the map where your employees are at any given moment, a very useful piece of information for your company.

Dokify time recording system

Using a system like this means making the most of one of dokify's best qualities: real time. Being able to instantly check the status of workers will save a lot of time and headaches for both the client and the contractor, without the need for any other mechanism, and the contractor will be able to solve any last-minute problems without fear of losing work time.

Map of Dokify point deployment

Aware of the challenge of launching a new feature, we are identifying areas for improvement in order to streamline the process as much as possible. We keep our FAQ forum up to date so that our users can always get the most out of dokify.

The first implementation of this system is already underway in all the facilities of one of our clients. We have been testing the system for a few months in some of the work centres as a pilot project and since October 1st it has been implemented nationwide. Soon we hope to be able to tell you more about this project in detail so that many other companies start using it to control access to their workplaces.

Current regulations on employee geolocation

The regulations in Spain on employee geolocation are mainly regulated by the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD), as well as by the Workers' Statute and the Law on Occupational Risk Prevention. These regulations establish a legal framework that companies must follow when implementing geolocation systems to monitor their employees.

According to the LOPD, the geolocation of employees is considered a processing of personal data, therefore, it must comply with the principles of legality, loyalty and transparency. This means that the company must have a valid legal basis for the processing of this data, such as the consent of the employee, the fulfillment of a contract, compliance with a legal obligation or the legitimate interest of the company.

In addition, employees must be clearly and explicitly informed about the implementation of any geolocation system. This includes the purpose of the monitoring, the scope, duration and the rights that employees have with respect to their personal data, such as the right of access, rectification, limitation of processing and erasure.

Geolocation cannot be used to indiscriminately or disproportionately monitor employee activity. Monitoring must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data are processed. In addition, the right to privacy and self-image of employees must be respected, ensuring that geolocation is used only during working hours and exclusively in the context of job performance.

Companies must implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data, preventing its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access.

The regulations allow the geolocation of employees as long as the principles of proportionality, transparency and purpose limitation are respected, and the rights and freedoms of employees are protected. dokify's geolocation system complies with current regulations and protects all incoming data about an employee's location. 

Access cards with QR code and data protection policy

The implementation of QR codes must be carried out in compliance with applicable data protection regulations.

It is essential to ensure that information stored and transmitted via QR codes is adequately protected against unauthorized access. This involves the use of security measures, such as data encryption, to prevent interception and misuse of personal information.

The company must inform employees and visitors about the use of this technology, explaining what data is collected, for what purposes and how they can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. As in the case of geolocation systems, transparency is key to complying with the principles of legality and consent.

The use of QR access cards must be limited to what is strictly necessary for access management and facility security. Any additional use of the data collected must be clearly justified, proportional and with the explicit consent of the employee.

Advantages of employee geolocation systems

Employee geolocation systems offer several advantages for companies and employees, as long as they are implemented in compliance with regulations and privacy:

  • Improved productivity: Enables companies to monitor and optimize employee routes and travel times, especially in sectors such as logistics, transportation and home services.
  • Employee safety: In field work or emergency situations, geolocation can be crucial to locate employees and ensure their safety and well-being.
  • Records: By means of these systems it is possible to keep a record of the working day according to the provisions of the law. 
  • Efficient resource management: Helps assign tasks more efficiently by identifying the employee closest to a specific location to address an urgent or scheduled need.
  • Verification of work performed: Provides objective verification of work hours and locations, which can be useful for validating compliance with assigned tasks and for billing services.
  • Improved decision making: The data collected can be analyzed to make strategic decisions about time management and human resources.
  • Transparency and trust: When managed correctly, geolocation can foster transparency between companies and employees, improving mutual trust.

Geolocation system with suppliers

It is possible to implement geolocation systems for suppliers that do not belong to the company itself, although this practice must be managed with caution to comply with data protection and privacy regulations. When dealing with third parties, it is crucial to establish a clear legal framework, usually through a service contract or a confidentiality agreement that specifies the terms of geolocation, including its purpose, scope and limits.

The company must ensure that suppliers understand why their location data is being collected, how it will be used and how they can exercise their rights with respect to that data. Transparency and consent are key, suppliers must be fully informed and must give explicit consent before implementing any geolocation measures.

As with employees, the geolocation of suppliers must be proportional and limited to what is strictly necessary for the purposes of the service they provide. It should not be used to monitor aspects unrelated to their services or beyond what has been agreed. Adhering to these guidelines will help maintain trusting relationships with suppliers and ensure compliance with privacy and data protection laws.