Increasing efficiency in your company: Coordination between departments

Increasing efficiency in your company: Coordination between departments

More than 80% recognise that communication and cooperation between departments in their company is inadequate.

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For the proper development of an organisation it is essential to establish the responsibilities and functions of each of the departments that make it up, but it is no less important to create mechanisms and channels of communication to achieve greater efficiency.

There are many key factors for good inter-departmental communication in the organisation:

  • Transparency of information
  • Establishing and publicising strategic objectives
  • Encourage and value participation
  • Aligning procedures
  • Avoiding opacity through decentralisation

In many cases, the members of a department establish their own objectives and routines, leaving the common objective of the company in the background. Lack of coordination can lead to:

  • Individualism and internal distrust
  • Duplicity of actions or tasks
  • Management errors and demotivation
  • Contradictory messages to third parties
  • Loss of resources and benefits

A recent survey shows that we need to do much better in this area in companies. More than 80% of those surveyed admit that communication and cooperation between departments in their company is not adequate.

Team of fishermen working together with a network showing efficiency and coordination.

In view of these results, and the increasingly important optimisation of organisational resources, the use of common tools and integration systems between departments becomes even more important. The simple fact of selecting the right tool for the organisation will improve all of the above aspects and will ultimately lead to better results and increased profits.

Find and implement a common management system for the different departments:

  • Improving interdepartmental communication
  • Set common objectives and make all their actions transparent.
  • Increased involvement and performance by eliminating duplication of tasks and improving coordination.

In an organisation, the "Purchasing" department is responsible for creating and maintaining an adequate pool of suppliers, which in turn must meet certain requirements that guarantee their approval by the "Quality" department. On many occasions, these suppliers will provide a service in the company's centres, having to comply with current health and safety regulations, which are supervised by the "Occupational Risk Prevention" and "Human Resources" departments.

A clear example of the flow that occurs in the vast majority of companies and involves several departments. Without proper management, the optimisation and success of the organisation is reduced.

How lack of communication between departments affects productivity in companies

Lack of communication between departments can have a significant impact on business productivity. When different departments do not share information effectively, a number of problems occur that can hinder the company's overall progress and performance.

First, lack of communication can lead to duplication of effort and overlapping of tasks, which wastes resources and time. Departments may unknowingly work on similar projects, leading to inefficient use of resources.

In addition, lack of communication can lead to delays in decision making and problem solving. Teams can get stuck waiting for information or approvals from other departments, which slows project progress.

There can also be inconsistencies in information and contradictory approaches when departments are not aligned in their objectives and strategies.

Lack of communication between departments can lead to operational inefficiencies, project delays and lower quality end results, which negatively impacts productivity and the company's ability to achieve its objectives. It is essential to establish effective channels of communication and collaboration between departments to ensure a smooth and efficient operation of the organization.

Digitization of communication channels through a CAE platform

The digitization of interdepartmental communication channels through a CAE platform improves collaboration in today's work environment. These platforms provide a centralized space where employees can communicate instantly through chats, e-mails and videoconferences, among other solutions, facilitating real-time communication and rapid decision making. They also allow documents, files and resources to be shared securely, streamlining work processes and promoting collaboration between teams and departments.

The digitization of communication channels also facilitates project management by enabling the assignment of tasks, tracking progress and scheduling deadlines. A digital tool ensures greater transparency and visibility into business activities, making it easier to identify problems and take corrective action in a timely manner.

The digitization of communication channels through a business coordination platform is essential to improve efficiency, collaboration and productivity in the company, adapting to the demands of today's business environment.

Integrating suppliers in corporate communication

Communication with suppliers is critical to the efficient operation of companies in multiple respects. First, clear and fluid communication with suppliers ensures that the necessary products and services are available at the right time, in the required quantities. This is essential to keep the supply chain on track and avoid delays in production or product delivery.

In addition, effective communication with suppliers can help negotiate better terms and conditions, such as competitive pricing, flexible delivery times and favorable payment terms. This can have a positive impact on the company's profitability and competitiveness.

Communication with suppliers is also crucial to resolve any problems or discrepancies that may arise during the purchasing process. Whether it is late delivery, defective products or changes in requirements, open and proactive communication with suppliers allows you to quickly address these issues and find effective solutions.

Effective communication with suppliers is essential to ensure a constant and reliable supply of products and services, optimize costs and maintain customer satisfaction in the company. 

Interdepartmental communication and transparency

Interdepartmental communication improves transparency in the company, facilitating the flow of information between different areas and organizational levels. When departments communicate effectively, sharing details about goals, projects, challenges and achievements, this transparency builds trust between teams and promotes a culture of collaboration and openness. 

Employees feel more informed about the big picture of the company, which enables them to make better decisions and feel more involved in the success of the company itself. In addition, transparent interdepartmental communication reduces problems between different departments, as everyone involved has access to the same up-to-date information. 

Improving interdepartmental communication strengthens transparency in the company, leading to greater cohesion, efficiency and overall performance.

Interdepartmental communication also fosters proactive relationships between employees by facilitating the exchange of ideas, information and resources between different teams. When departments collaborate and share knowledge on a regular basis, stronger, more collaborative relationships are established, fostering a work environment in which employees feel valued and motivated to contribute to the company's collective success. In addition, interdepartmental communication allows for the identification of improvement opportunities and joint problem solving, which further strengthens team relationships and fosters a collaborative and proactive work culture.

At dokify we help you achieve effective and efficient coordination between departments.

Want to know how we do it? Contact us here.