When is a health and safety coordinator necessary in a company?

When is a health and safety coordinator necessary in a company?

We analyze when a health and safety coordinator is necessary and his or her functions based on Royal Decree 1627/1997.

Carlos AznarCarlos Aznar

Occupational health and safety is a priority for any company. The figure of the health and safety coordinator is crucial in the management of occupational risks, especially in sectors with high levels of danger, such as construction and industry. Below, we analyze when a health and safety coordinator is necessary and his or her functions based on Royal Decree 1627/1997.

Types of health and safety coordinator

There are different types of health and safety coordinators, depending on the needs and context of the company. The Site Health and Safety Coordinator is one of the most common, required in construction projects where several tasks are executed simultaneously, and the risks of accidents are high. This professional must ensure that all activities are carried out in accordance with the established health and safety plan.

Another type is the Health and Safety Coordinator in the Industrial Sector, responsible for supervising safety in plants and factories. His role includes risk assessment, implementation of preventive measures and training of workers in the use of safe equipment and procedures.

In addition, some companies require an Internal Health and Safety Coordinator, who is a permanent member of staff. This coordinator continuously manages occupational health and safety issues, adapting strategies to the changing needs of the company.

Is a health and safety coordinator mandatory?

The obligation to have a health and safety coordinator varies according to legislation. In Spain, Royal Decree 1627/1997 regulates the minimum health and safety provisions in construction works, establishing the obligation of a health and safety coordinator when more than one company is involved in the project.

In industrial sectors, although not always mandatory, it is highly recommended to have a health and safety coordinator to effectively manage the risks associated with machinery, chemical processes and other hazardous factors. The implementation of this figure can prevent serious accidents and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Who appoints the coordinator?

The appointment of the health and safety coordinator is a responsibility that generally falls on the project developer or the company's management. In the construction sector, the promoter, which may be an individual or legal entity that promotes and finances the project, is responsible for appointing the coordinator. This appointment must be made before the start of the work and must be communicated to all parties involved.

In the industrial environment, or in companies with large internal projects, the company's management is responsible for appointing the health and safety coordinator. This decision should be based on an assessment of the complexity and risks of the project, ensuring that the person selected has the necessary knowledge and experience to manage safety effectively.

In construction sites, is the health and safety coordinator mandatory?

Yes, on construction sites the presence of a health and safety coordinator is mandatory in many cases. According to the regulations, any construction site where several companies, or self-employed workers together with companies, participate must have a coordinator. This professional is essential to coordinate risk prevention activities among the different companies and ensure that all of them follow the health and safety plan.

The on-site coordinator has several responsibilities, including the approval of the health and safety plan, the coordination of business activities to prevent risks and the monitoring of compliance with preventive measures. 

In addition, he/she must make periodic visits to the site to supervise that the working conditions are safe and that the regulations in force are being respected. It is the coordinator's responsibility to fulfill the above responsibilities.

Easily manage your ORP in compliance with regulations

The coordination of business activities can be significantly simplified by following regulations and relying on digital support. The coordinator helps to implement and supervise all safety measures ensuring compliance with regulations, a suitable software allows to integrate the following functions in a single digital space.

  • Assess risks: Conduct periodic assessments to identify and analyze risks in the workplace.
  • Develop a health and safety plan: Create a detailed plan that includes all the necessary preventive measures to mitigate the identified risks.
  • Train workers: Provide continuous training on occupational health and safety, ensuring that employees are aware of and follow safety procedures.
  • Supervise and review: Conduct regular inspections and reviews of the safety plan to adapt it to any changes in working conditions or regulations.

At Dokify we offer you specific software for the management of all the aspects that make up the coordination of health and safety in a work environment.