CAE documents, what should I keep and for how long?

CAE documents, what should I keep and for how long?

Retaining documentation for as long as necessary is essential in view of possible requirements.

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Almost all of us still remember the paper archives, depending on the size of our company, aisles and aisles of shelves, or some cupboards full of overflowing folders. Be that as it may, and just as it happens in a library, a document filed out of place, a document lost.

From this situation we moved on to digital files, on our own computer, or on external devices, such as CDs, pen drives, hard disks or similar, which began to facilitate the work, but requiring countless backup copies, as it was not unusual that due to problems beyond our control all the information was deleted and we were left at the starting line, having to compile everything again.

Faced with this avalanche of documentation, the million-dollar question arises.

What documentation of coordination of business activities should I keep and for how long?

According to Royal Legislative Decree 5/2000, which approves the Law on Infringements and Penalties in the social order, in matters of occupational risk prevention, infringements will expire within a maximum period of five years from the date on which they occur. This leads us to affirm that we must keep the documentation, at least for those five years, after which we can no longer be sanctioned.

Even so, it should be borne in mind that according to Article 30 of the Commercial Code, entrepreneurs must keep the books, correspondence, documentation and supporting documents concerning their business in proper order for 6 years.

In addition to this, there are specific health regulations, which make it compulsory to keep the medical records of workers for a longer period of time, depending on the sector of work of those affected. As an example of these exceptions, we can talk about personnel who have been exposed to work with asbestos or carcinogenic agents, which must be kept for at least 40 years from the end of exposure.

All in all, we see that there is no clear answer to our question, as depending on the type of documentation, it should be kept for a longer or shorter period of time, so we advise you to keep it for at least 6 years, and to take special care with the medical certificates of workers with special risks.

Are there CAE platforms that help us with document management?

For all of the above reasons, it is essential to have a system that guarantees the conservation and adequate organisation of all the documentation that we are required by law to keep regarding the activity of our company and that of our collaborators in terms of occupational risk prevention.

At dokify, thanks to our software for the coordination of business activities, we help you to keep the documentation for as long as necessary in the face of possible requirements.

Do you want to know how to do it?

If you want to make a demo of our tool you can do it here.