Dokify is 10 years old and we're celebrating!

Dokify is 10 years old and we're celebrating!

We celebrate our 10th anniversary by renewing our image and much more!

dokify communicationdokify communication
dokify communication

Secret entity - Our person

A short time ago, dokify blew out the candles and celebrated its 10th anniversary, not bad for a startup that has revolutionized the business activity coordination sector known as CAE.

To celebrate our birthday, we are renewing ourselves! We changed our image, and much more. We want to give all our users and our future customers a clear message: we are ready for the future. We tell you a little bit about this big change.

"At dokify we are ready for the future and beyond."

Our website

New dokify website

We renewed our website to offer you an easy to use, clear, optimized and intuitive site. We want you to navigate through a clean website, with clear and updated information. You will find specific service pages without detours. In each one of them we answer three questions: what is it, why and how do we do it?

In our new website you can now also learn a little about us, who are the leaders of our teams and what is the philosophy of our work. You will also be able to find extensive and complete content about each of our services in case you want to learn more.

In addition, we will be uploading success stories of each of our services so you can see what we are able to do for our clients.

Our new Blog (New editorial philosophy)

New blog with editorial criteria

We have defined editorial principles regarding the type of content, the approach, the length, the originality and even the format of the text.

We updated the look of our blog and from now on you will find articles on various topics, trends and news, to super specialized content on each of our services.

In our blog you will find useful, updated and relevant content to keep you always informed. Prioritizing all content that brings real value to our users and readers.

New services

Dokify Jornada, Dokify Maintenance and Dokify API join the list of new services that we offer so that you have at your disposal a complete range of services alongside our already popular Dokify CAE and Dokify Homologation.

Visit our website to discover them all.

Our social networks

We keep the networks well fed and with information that brings value to our customers.

We created a new look for our LinkedIn and Twitter posts. A community where you will find diverse topics, some more fun and others more specialized. Follow us to stay up to date and join us on this journey.



 Throughout these 10 years we have proven that experience cannot be improvised and that at the same time we must always keep ourselves updated to provide the most effective solutions to our clients.

At dokify we work hand in hand with our customers and we are in constant contact with you to meet all your needs.

We hope you like it!