In what kind of jobs is a medical examination mandatory?

In what kind of jobs is a medical examination mandatory?

In Spain, medical examinations are mandatory for jobs involving specific health risks.

Carlos AznarCarlos Aznar

In Spain, medical examinations are mandatory for jobs involving specific health risks, such as exposure to toxic substances, noise, vibrations, radiation, work at heights, driving dangerous machinery and in activities where specific physical or mental fitness is required to ensure occupational safety.

The jobs where medical examination is mandatory are regulated and follow a certain protocol, which we analyze in this post. 

Can the company force us to undergo the examination?

The Law on Occupational Risk Prevention establishes that the company may oblige workers to undergo a medical examination when necessary to evaluate the specific risks of the position and to guarantee occupational health and safety. This is particularly relevant in jobs with specific risks, however, beyond these specific cases, medical examinations are usually voluntary. 

Why have an occupational health check-up?

Having an occupational health examination is important to ensure the health and safety of workers. These examinations allow early detection of any health problems that may be related to working conditions. Early identification of occupational diseases or work-related conditions facilitates appropriate treatment and the implementation of preventive measures to avoid their development.

In addition, the medical examination contributes to the suitability of the employee for his or her position. Assessing the physical and mental fitness of employees ensures that they can perform their duties without risk to their health or that of their colleagues. 

Medical examinations also help to comply with legal regulations. In Spain, the Law on Occupational Risk Prevention makes these examinations mandatory in certain sectors and situations. Complying with these legal obligations avoids penalties for the company and promotes a safe and healthy working environment, benefiting both employers and employees.

These examinations also foster a culture of prevention within the company. Workers who undergo periodic medical check-ups are more aware of their health status and potential occupational hazards, which contributes to greater responsibility in adopting safe practices, improving overall well-being in the workplace.

What is included in a standard labor survey?

A standard occupational examination includes a series of evaluations to determine the worker's state of health and fitness to perform his or her duties. First, a medical history is taken, which includes a detailed questionnaire on personal and family medical history, as well as on lifestyle habits that may influence occupational health, such as smoking, alcohol consumption and physical exercise.

This is followed by a complete physical examination, which may include measurement of basic parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, weight and height. Specific aspects are also examined according to the type of work, such as respiratory function in jobs with exposure to dust or chemicals, and vision and hearing in jobs requiring visual or auditory accuracy.

The standard occupational medical examination also usually includes complementary tests, such as blood and urine tests, X-rays, electrocardiograms and spirometry, depending on the risks associated with the job. These tests help to detect possible occupational diseases or risk factors that could affect the worker's health in the performance of his or her duties.

Finally, a medical report is drawn up containing the results of all the tests and evaluations performed. This report includes an assessment of the worker's suitability for his or her position and recommendations for preventive or corrective measures. The information obtained in the medical examination is confidential and is used exclusively to protect the health and safety of the worker in the work environment.

When to have an examination

The occupational medical examination should be performed at the beginning of the employment relationship to evaluate the worker's aptitude, periodically according to the risks of the position and after prolonged absences due to illness or accident. It is also necessary to undergo these tests again when there are significant changes in working conditions or if the worker is exposed to specific risks. 

In Spain, the minimum frequency is annual for high-risk work.

The importance of occupational health and safety management

Occupational health and safety management is crucial for preventing accidents and occupational illnesses, protecting employees and improving their well-being. This responsibility not only complies with legal regulations, but also increases productivity and reduces costs related to sick leave and compensation. 

In Dokify we offer you a software for the management of occupational risks, which integrates a specific module for the management of medical examinations and their integral control.