New help options in dokify

New help options in dokify

We are improving the platform on a daily basis to make CAE and risk management with third parties faster, more efficient and easier.

Gregorio DelgadoGregorio Delgado
Gregorio Delgado

Secret entity

You now have more and better information on how to use dokify. When you become a dokify user, or when we make changes, we provide you with simple tours that explain how the different options work. We have compiled all the tours and offer them to you so that you can use them at any time. Of course you still have the same help as always. I'll explain the key changes and how to access them.

Attention! We have changed the location of the help button and it is now at the bottom right:

The Dashboard of the application shows that the help button is the last item on the screen.

Clicking on the help button opens a window that offers you several possibilities. Click on the arrows to the right of each of them for more information:

Contents of the help window, showing various sections such as available tours, search by topic, download a guide, contact us, etc.

We replicate the content of the previous help button at the bottom, "Contact us":

Detail of the help button containing the text Need help?

Another important new feature is the help search engine by topic:

Support screen with help menu by subject area

We hope that the new help options will make it easier for you to use dokify and access the information you need.

We continuously improve our CAE platform to make the coordination of business activities and risk management with third parties faster, more efficient and easier.

dokify is the easiest solution for the coordination of business activities (CAE) and the efficient integrated management of customer-supplier requirements, we create a collaborative network of companies.

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