Why is it necessary to manage the Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) in hospitals?

Why is it necessary to manage the Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) in hospitals?

Next, we will analyze the use of a CAE in hospitals.

Carlos López MartínCarlos López Martín

The implementation of a CAE in hospitals represents an advance in the working relationship between workers in these healthcare facilities. An adequate CAE structure avoids risk situations and establishes safe protocols. 

Next, we will analyze the use of a CAE in hospitals.      

¿Qué es la CAE (Coordinación de Actividades Empresariales)?

The Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) is a procedure designed to manage and supervise the interaction between different companies that share the same workspace or project. Its objective is to guarantee occupational health and safety, prevent risks and comply with current regulations, ensuring fluid and effective communication between all parties involved.

The importance of a good CAE in a hospital

Implementing a CAE platform in hospitals involves the following basic issues. 

Legal compliance

The Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) in hospitals is crucial to guarantee occupational health and safety in an environment where several companies may coincide, including contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. According to Royal Decree 171/2004, which implements Article 24 of Law 31/1995 on Occupational Risk Prevention, hospitals must establish coordination and communication mechanisms between all the companies involved. This decree imposes the obligation to identify and evaluate shared risks, as well as to implement appropriate preventive measures.

Hospitals must ensure that all companies fulfill their responsibilities in terms of risk prevention, encouraging cooperation and the exchange of relevant information. In addition, it is essential to document and monitor compliance with safety regulations, ensuring that all necessary precautions are taken to protect workers and patients in a complex and dynamic environment.

Effective management of occupational risk prevention

Effective management of occupational risk prevention in hospitals is essential due to the complexity of these environments. It involves the implementation of a system of Coordination of Business Activities (CAE), ensuring that all companies and workers involved are coordinated with health and safety regulations. 

To achieve effective management, hospitals must develop and implement clear occupational risk prevention policies, integrating all parties involved in the planning and execution of these measures. This includes the designation of coordinating officers, the creation of safety committees and periodic audits to evaluate compliance with established protocols.

Risk identification

Hazard identification is a fundamental step in the prevention of occupational hazards in hospitals. Given the diverse and specialized nature of the services offered, risks can vary significantly between different areas, such as operating rooms, laboratories and patient care areas. 

This process begins with a thorough assessment of the working conditions and potential hazards present. Hospitals should conduct regular inspections and risk analyses, considering factors such as exposure to biological, chemical and physical agents, as well as ergonomic and psychosocial conditions. 

Establishment of security protocols

The establishment of safety protocols is essential for the practical implementation of occupational risk prevention measures in hospitals. These protocols must be clear, detailed and accessible to all workers, including those employed by contractors and subcontractors. 

Safety protocols should cover a wide range of situations, from standard operating procedures to emergency response. This includes detailed instructions on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), safe handling of hazardous materials, and actions to be taken in the event of incidents or accidents.

Benefits of effective CAE

  • Improved occupational safety: Reduction of occupational accidents and illnesses among workers.
  • Legal compliance: Ensures that the hospital and contracted companies comply with occupational health and safety regulations, avoiding penalties.
  • Increased operational efficiency: Facilitates coordination and communication between different companies and departments, optimizing processes.
  • Cost reduction: Minimizes costs associated with occupational accidents.
  • Improved reputation: A safe and well-managed environment enhances the hospital's image with employees and patients.
  • Promotion of preventive culture: Promotes a culture of safety and prevention among all employees and collaborators.
  • Improved employee well-being: A safe working environment contributes to employee well-being and satisfaction.
  • Reduced interruptions: Fewer accidents and emergencies mean fewer service interruptions, ensuring continuous, quality patient care.

Usar una plataforma CAE para agilizar trámites

The use of a CAE platform in hospitals streamlines procedures by centralizing the management of documents, permits and communications between all the companies involved. It facilitates the identification and evaluation of risks, improves the coordination of activities and ensures compliance with occupational safety regulations. It also allows real-time monitoring of preventive measures, optimizing processes and guaranteeing a safe and efficient work environment.

At Dokify we have developed a specific digital platform, so you can develop a CAE strategy in hospitals tailored to your needs.