What is dokify?

What is dokify?

At dokify we solve problems, how? by automating processes. Find out what we can do for you.

Iciar AparicioIciar Aparicio
Iciar Aparicio

Secret entity

Anyone knows that coordinating the requirements of a company is not an easy task, especially when you belong to sectors that have a high burden in terms of, for example, occupational risk prevention. Moreover, companies do not work alone, they belong to contracting chains and are therefore always accountable to clients but also to contractors. There are many requirements that must be met in order to be part of a business network in which, after all, we are all involved.

Dashboard of the Dokify Workshop view

But how do companies manage to coordinate their activity? In various ways. Some do not even have a well-defined management system, others do all the work manually, and others have developed their own application - which is only compatible for them. All these alternatives do not provide a general solution but solve the problem in a localised way.

view of the Dokify homologation tab

Imagine you work for two companies. Each of them has its own application and therefore you, in order to meet your clients' needs, have to know how to handle both applications, possibly download software and even train one or more workers to handle them and do the same job as many times as you have clients. What if instead of 2 companies there are 20? And meanwhile you also have to organise your own company, with your workers, your vehicles, your machines and the bureaucracy that all this entails.

View of CAE statistics

What if we all used the same tool, what if the criteria were unified for all companies in the same sector? Going a step further, what if the documentation only had to be submitted once and in the same way? After all, all my clients ask me for the same thing. On top of that, some documents are delivered by email, others by fax, some documents are valid for a defined period of time, others do not expire.

Well, that's what we thought. There is a clear need to bring order to all this chaos. That is why dokify was created, to be the solution to the problem of coordination of business activities through a simple, fast, economical but, above all, global online tool.

minimum effort, big benefits