What is a company's CAE and what is its importance?

What is a company's CAE and what is its importance?

Learn how you can comprehensively manage the Coordination of Business Activities of your company.

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The CAE of a company is essential for any business, in Dokify you have a CAE software platform with which you can comprehensively manage the Coordination of Business Activities of your company. 

What is a company's CAE

The Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) is an essential process in work environments where several companies or freelancers interact. It is implemented mainly to guarantee the safety and health of all workers involved, ensuring that the activities of each entity are carried out under appropriate occupational risk prevention standards. CAE is essential in sectors such as construction, industry or any area where work spaces or resources are shared between different companies.

The main objective of the CAE is to coordinate safety and prevention measures, avoiding risks derived from overlapping or interacting activities. This implies fluid and constant communication between the companies, as well as joint planning and supervision of tasks. The CAE ensures that each company fulfills its share of responsibility for occupational safety, contributing to a safer and more efficient working environment for all workers.

Key functions of the CAE

  • Risk assessment and management: One of the primary functions of the CAE is to identify and assess occupational risks that may arise from the interaction of different business activities. This involves analyzing the tasks that each business will perform and determining how these may affect each other. From this assessment, strategies are developed to manage and minimize the risks identified.
  • Safety planning: The CAE is responsible for planning and establishing consistent safety measures covering all activities of the companies involved. This includes the implementation of safe work procedures, the proper use of personal protective equipment, and the effective marking of risk areas.
  • Communication and training: The CAE must ensure that there is fluid and effective communication between all parties involved. This includes reporting on the risks identified, the prevention measures in place and any changes in working conditions. It is also responsible for ensuring that all workers receive the necessary training in risk prevention.
  • Supervision and control: Another crucial function is to monitor that security measures and established procedures are properly followed. This may involve regular workplace inspections and audits of safety procedures.
  • Documentation and record keeping: The CAE must keep detailed records of all coordination activities, including risk assessments, safety plans, communications and training provided. This is vital both for effective monitoring and to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

The functions of the Coordination of Business Activities are fundamental to maintain a safe and legally compliant work environment, especially in contexts where multiple entities share work spaces and resources.

Is it mandatory to have a company CAE?

Yes, it is mandatory to have a Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) in those companies that share the same workspace with other companies or self-employed, as stipulated by the legislation on prevention of occupational hazards.

The regulations require companies to coordinate their actions in terms of occupational risk prevention, establishing mechanisms for communication, planning and joint supervision. This coordination must take place before starting the activities and must be maintained throughout the duration of the shared operations. Failure to comply with this obligation may result in legal liabilities and sanctions, in addition to putting the physical integrity of workers at risk. Therefore, CAE is an essential component to comply with the law and have a safe working environment.

Digital management of enterprise CAE

Digital management of the Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) through digital tools offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency. The use of digital platforms makes it possible to centralize and automate the collection and management of relevant information, such as risk assessments, employee certifications and safety documentation. This centralization facilitates rapid access to vital information, improving decision making and speed of response to potential incidents. It also ensures that records are updated and properly maintained, crucial for regulatory compliance and safety inspections.

Another important advantage is improved communication and collaboration between the different companies involved. Digital tools allow information to be shared in real time, ensuring that all participants are informed about working conditions, safety procedures and any relevant changes. The digitization of the CAE increases operational efficiency and reinforces occupational safety, avoiding risks in work environments where several companies work at the same time.