CAE penalties: which ones can you face?

CAE penalties: which ones can you face?

When CAE is not performed properly, the safety of workers is put at risk and the company is exposed.

Carlos AznarCarlos Aznar

A failure in labor coordination can lead to the exposure of workers to unnecessary risks, increasing the possibility of occupational accidents. In addition, in the event of an accident, the competent authorities may investigate whether the lack of coordination was a contributory factor, which may result in additional legal liabilities for the companies involved.

Failure to properly perform CAE puts workers' safety at risk and exposes the company to the possibility of sanctions. Violations related to CAE are classified into different categories, each with specific penalties depending on their severity.

What are the infringements and penalties for business coordination?

Business coordination violations are classified according to their seriousness as minor, serious and very serious based on the Royal Decree on Business Activities. Each of these categories has specific penalties associated with it, ranging from minor fines to considerable economic sanctions, and even the possible suspension of the business activity.

Serious Violations

Serious violations and penalties in the CAE are usually related to the lack of basic preventive measures or failure to comply with established procedures to ensure worker safety. Examples of serious infractions include:

  • Lack of risk assessment: Failure to adequately assess the risks that may arise from the interaction between workers from different companies.
  • Lack of information and training: Failure to provide adequate information or training to workers on the specific risks arising from the coexistence of several companies in the same workplace.
  • Lack of coordination: Failure to establish clear procedures for the coordination of business activities, which can lead to risk situations.

Penalties for serious violations can vary, but usually involve significant financial penalties, depending on the magnitude of the risk generated and the potential or actual damage caused.

Very serious infringements

Very serious violations refer to situations in which the safety and health of workers has been seriously endangered, either through negligence or a total lack of coordination. Examples of very serious violations include:

  • Non-compliance with orders or resolutions: Failure to comply with orders issued by labor authorities regarding the implementation of corrective measures in the CAE.
  • Omission of emergency measures: Failure to establish or adequately communicate emergency and evacuation measures in an environment shared by several companies.
  • Exposure to serious risks: Allowing workers to be exposed to risks that could result in serious or fatal accidents due to lack of coordination.

Penalties for very serious violations are severe and include high fines, which can seriously jeopardize the economic viability of the company, as well as the temporary suspension of work activities until the deficiencies detected are corrected.

Labor violations

Labor violations in the context of the CAE cover situations in which workers' rights are violated or labor regulations related to safety are not complied with in the joint work of different companies. These infractions can be of various kinds.

Minor penalties

Minor penalties are imposed in cases of minor non-compliances, which do not directly jeopardize the safety of workers, but demonstrate a lack of diligence in the management of the CAE. These penalties are usually minor fines, but may be increased if the non-compliance persists or if multiple minor violations are detected in a short period of time. Fines range from €70 to €750. 

Serious penalties with fine

Serious penalties with fines are applied when non-compliance with the CAE involves a significant risk to worker safety. These sanctions usually involve substantial fines that may vary depending on the severity of the violation and the number of workers affected. In addition, these penalties may include suspension of activity in specific work areas until deficiencies are corrected. Severe penalties with fines range from €751 to €7,500. 

Very serious penalties with fine

Very serious penalties with fines are the most severe and are imposed when the lack of coordination in the CAE has caused situations of extreme risk or serious accidents. These fines can be extremely high, even jeopardizing the continuity of the company. In some cases, in addition to the fine, the authorities may order the total stoppage of the company's activities until the safety of all workers involved is guaranteed. These fines range from €7,501 to €225,018. 

Avoid penalties using our CAE Platform

At Dokify we have developed a CAE platform designed to facilitate and optimize the management of all obligations derived from the CAE, ensuring that your company complies with current regulations and avoiding any type of sanction.

Our platform allows you to centralize all necessary documentation, automate verification processes and ensure that all contractors and subcontractors comply with legal requirements before starting any activity. With Dokify, you can be sure that CAE management is carried out efficiently, minimizing the risk of violations and potential penalties.