ORP Software for Occupational Risk Prevention

ORP Software for Occupational Risk Prevention

It radically transforms how companies identify, assess and manage risks in the workplace.

Carlos López MartínCarlos López Martín

The digitization of the processes of prevention and evaluation of occupational risks allows to automate tasks, centralize information and carry out updates, based on the regulations. 


The automation offered by Dokify's PRL software radically transforms how companies identify, assess and manage risks in the workplace. Using intelligent algorithms, the software can perform repetitive and complex tasks, such as risk assessment and incident reporting, accurately and without manual intervention. Not only does this increase the efficiency of the ORP processes, it also allows occupational health and safety professionals to focus on strategic, higher-value tasks.


Data centralization is another fundamental pillar of Dokify's ORP software, providing a single digital space for all information related to occupational health and safety. This consolidation facilitates quick access to the data needed to make decisions, improve communication between departments and ensure a coordinated response to emergencies. Centralization helps companies maintain a detailed record of incidents, risk assessments, corrective actions and training programs, which is crucial for regulatory compliance and continuous improvement of safety practices.


The continuous update capability of an ORP software such as Dokify ensures that companies stay up-to-date with occupational health and safety regulations and practices. Automatic updates implement legislative changes and expert recommendations in real time, allowing organizations to quickly adapt their OHS policies and procedures. This adaptability not only improves legal compliance, but also reinforces the safety culture at work, protecting employees from emerging risks and improving their overall well-being.

The important things we have covered

Dokify's PRL software incorporates advanced functions for conducting risk assessments, enabling companies to efficiently identify and analyze potential hazards in their work environments. This intuitive tool guides users through the assessment process, making it easy to identify specific hazards, estimate their severity and determine appropriate preventive measures. By automating and simplifying this critical process, Dokify ensures that assessments are thorough and consistent, improving workplace safety and regulatory compliance.

In addition, Dokify integrates preventive planning within its platform, allowing companies to develop and manage action plans based on the results of risk assessments. This functionality centralizes the management of preventive measures, assignment of responsibilities, and tracking of deadlines, ensuring effective implementation of safety strategies. 

By directly linking assessments to preventive planning, Dokify's risk prevention software facilitates proactive safety management, promoting a safer work environment and a strong preventive culture.

Agile and intuitive PRL Software

With Dokify, you have everything you need to strengthen the security of your workspace. 

With legal and technical support

Dokify's PRL software includes comprehensive legal and technical support, ensuring that companies not only comply with current regulations, but also adopt best practices in occupational risk prevention. This support includes advice on legislative changes and how they affect the organization, as well as offering technical solutions for the effective implementation of preventive measures, ensuring that occupational risk management is aligned with the highest legal and industry standards.

Control panel

Dokify's PRL software dashboard is the core from which all occupational risk prevention activities are managed. It provides a global view of key performance indicators, emerging risk alerts, and the status of ongoing preventive actions. This centralized access facilitates data-driven decision making, enabling occupational health and safety managers to efficiently monitor progress towards a safe work environment.

Download your preventive planning

Dokify allows companies to download their preventive planning directly from the platform, providing quick and easy access to critical documents. This feature ensures that action plans and preventive strategies are properly documented and accessible for review and updating. By keeping preventive planning up to date and within reach, Dokify facilitates continuous compliance and improvement of workplace safety practices, adapting to the changing needs of the organization.

Industry leaders rely on our solutions

Many companies are already working with Dokify on a daily basis to create safe work environments using a customized digital tool.